Greetings -
Tonight I am releasing a BETA version of my new MachPluginWizard (MPW).
This release only supports Win32 and .Net programming. It does not support ATL or MFC. I will add ATL and MFC support in the very near future.
I need to get this BETA release out into the field for testing. If you have some time to try it out and to start familiarizing yourself with this new development environment I would appreciate your help and comments.
MPW requires that you first install either Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition or Visual Studio C++ 2008 Standard (or above). Express Edition is available free of charge from have attached the .msi for you to install.
I have uploaded a 12 minute tutorial on installing MPW and creating a quick plugin to: am working on another set of programming tutorials that take an in depth look at the source code generated by MPW. I just finished a trial run of the tutorial and my screen recording software failed to save it to disk. It ran out of memory. I will generate another version of the tutorial tomorrow morning. It will be broken into 15-20 minute segments. I will post a follow up with the urls.
I hope you enjoy testing MPW and can see it's power and ease of use in the install tutorial.
Edward D. Bryson
Joshua 1 Systems Inc.
Knoxville TN USA