OK, I'm new at this so I am askin for help. I printed out the Mach Script Language Reference, all 139 pages.
I now have a macro that I have written.
a = GetVar (500)
b = GetVar (501)
c = GetVar (502)
d = GetVar (503)
a= a+1
If a>9 Then b=b+1
If a>9 Then a=0
If b>9 Then c=c+1
If b>9 Then b=0
If c>9 Then d=d+1
If c>9 Then c=0
Print " " &d &c &b &a
SetVar 500, a
SetVar 501, b
SetVar 502, c
SetVar 503, d
I had help writing it. The reason I am writing is this macro does what I need but no where in the 139 pages do I find
GetVar, SetVar or a reference to variables in the 500 - 600 range being persistent.
That leads me to think that the 139 pages that I printed are not what I should be studying.
Where do I find the REAL language reference?