I believe you have your 320's adjusted wrong ( gain and damp) and that will blow fuses! How well I know
.... Start with the set-up of the G320's from the beginning and do not be tempted to 'see' where another axis that works well is set - that does not necessarily work with another motor. Set as per the installation notes from Gecko. You'll be fine!
Beginning is: LIMIT - 1/4 to 1/2 full scale; GAIN - fully off and; DAMP - to 1/4 of full scale. Turn system on and motor will 'sing' or dither between encoder counts. If the motor blows a fuse now at these settings, reverse the motor leads and try again. If fuse OK then input some step pulses with Mach3 and your mouse. The DAMP and GAIN work very much together and adjusting one will require adjusting the other as well - at least with the older 320's like these. They seem to 'learn' so be slow with adjustments and try the motor for a period before adjusting more - keep notes...
Go with the set-up carefully as is posted on the Gecko site. I just bought a new one because of the same issues and sent the 'bad one' back to be repaired and there was nothing wrong with it. The settings were wrong!
Good going with this....they are hardy devices and protect themselves quite well so don't give up on it too soon. I used many fuses in this same dilemma but finally learned...
Bill C.