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Author Topic: Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router  (Read 8308 times)

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Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router
« on: April 19, 2009, 01:17:39 PM »
Although we have had some good advice from Hood we are stilll baffled.  We are cutting a part from 1/4" Lexan using 1/8" bit on both machines.  Feedrate on the router is at 65 and on milll at 6 and spindlle speed is 24,500 and 3500 respectively.  Both parts are coming out nice but they do not match.  We have done extensive testing on the router and feel that we are okay with basic motor tuning, machine setup and so on making us think we have something wrong in the MACH3 setup but can't find anything with our limited experience.  We are using MACH3 on a mill, router and lathe and until now have been able to get what we want.
The router is cutting this 7.5" X 3.75" (approx) part about 1 tool width smaller than the mill cuts it.  We are using the exact same Gcode on both machines witht he only difference being feedrate.  Circles on the part cut very well. As the cut proceeds along the part the error seems to increase but this is difficult to track as the code has the cutter moving around the part quite a bit.

Any suggestions would be appreiated.

Paul and Ben

Offline Graham Waterworth

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Re: Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2009, 06:49:01 PM »
Please post your g-code.

Are outside shapes under size and inner shapes too big or what?

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Re: Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2009, 07:40:16 AM »
Outside and inside dimensions are too small.  The part we cut on the router is smaller than the drawing and smaller than the part we cut on the mill.  Would it be helpful to provide exact dimensions?
Below is the code
N5 (File router G2 mill 2 )
N10 (Default Mill Post)
N15 (File Posted in Mill Mode)
N20 (Tuesday, April 14, 2009)
N25 G90 G80 G40 G91.1
N30 G1  Z0.2000 F65
N35  X0.3940  Y1.2337
N40 M3
N45 Z-0.2500 
N55 G1 z0.200
N60  X0.6770  Y1.2209
N65  Z0.1000
N70 G1  Z-0.1280 
N75 G2  X1.1277  Y0.3218  I0.4506  J-0.3366
N80  X0.6770  Y1.2209  I-0.0000  J0.5625
N85 G1  Z-0.0280
N90 G1  Z-0.2500 
N95 G2  X1.1277  Y0.3218  I0.4506  J-0.3366
N100  X0.6770  Y1.2209  I-0.0000  J0.5625
N105 G1  Z0.2000
N110  X0.0000  Y1.7686
N115  Z0.1000
N120 G1  Z-0.1000 
N125  X0.2388  Y1.7686   
N135  X0.0000  Y1.7686
N145 G1  Z-0.1800 
N150  X0.2388  Y1.7686   
N155 G1  Z0.2000
N160  X0.0000  Y2.5020
N165  Z0.1000
N170 G1  Z-0.1000 
N175  X0.2410  Y2.5020   
N185  X0.0000  Y2.5020
N195 G1  Z-0.1800 
N200  X0.2410  Y2.5020   
N205 G1  Z0.2000
N210  X0.1500  Y1.7686
N215  Z0.1000
N220 G1  Z-0.1000 
N225  X0.1500  Y2.5020   
N235  X0.1500  Y1.7686
N245 G1  Z-0.1800 
N250  X0.1500  Y2.5020   
N255 G1  Z0.2000
N260  X0.0500  Y1.7686
N265  Z0.1000
N270 G1  Z-0.1000 
N275  X0.0500  Y2.5020   
N285  X0.0500  Y1.7686
N295 G1  Z-0.1800 
N300  X0.0500  Y2.5020   
N305 G1  Z0.2000
N310  X0.3940  Y3.0370
N315 Z-0.2500 
N325 G1 Z0.200
N330  X2.5415  Y2.5021
N335  Z-0.1610
N340 G1  X2.5415  Y2.9120   
N345  X2.3440  Y2.9120   
N350  X2.3440  Y2.5021   
N355 G1  Z0.2000
N360  X2.4415  Y2.5021
N365  Z0.1000
N370 G1  Z-0.1610 
N375  X2.4415  Y2.9120   
N380 G1  Z0.2000
N385  X2.4553  Y0.7439
N390  Z0.1000
N395 G1  Z-0.1000 
N400  X2.4553  Y1.2990   
N410  X2.4553  Y0.7439
N420 G1  Z-0.1950 
N425  X2.4553  Y1.2990   
N435  X2.5553  Y0.7439
N445 G1  Z-0.1000 
N450  X2.5553  Y1.2990   
N460  X2.5553  Y0.7439
N470 G1  Z-0.1950 
N475  X2.5553  Y1.2990   
N485  X2.6553  Y0.7439
N495 G1  Z-0.1000 
N500  X2.6553  Y1.2990   
N510  X2.6553  Y0.7439
N520 G1  Z-0.1950 
N525  X2.6553  Y1.2990   
N535  X2.3553  Y0.7439
N545 G1  Z-0.1000 
N550  X2.3553  Y1.2990   
N560  X2.3553  Y0.7439
N570 G1  Z-0.1950 
N575  X2.3553  Y1.2990   
N585  X2.2553  Y0.7439
N595 G1  Z-0.1000 
N600  X2.2553  Y1.2990   
N610  X2.2553  Y0.7439
N620 G1  Z-0.1950 
N625  X2.2553  Y1.2990   
N635  X2.2553  Y0.7370
N645 G1  Z-0.1000 
N650  X2.6719  Y0.7370   
N660  X2.2553  Y0.7370
N670 G1  Z-0.1950 
N675  X2.6719  Y0.7370   
N680 G1  Z0.2000
N685  X2.3440  Y0.7320
N690  Z0.1000
N695 G1  Z-0.1610 
N700  X2.3440  Y0.5370   
N705  X2.5415  Y0.5370   
N710  X2.5415  Y0.7320   
N715 G1  Z0.2000
N720  X2.4440  Y0.5370
N725  Z0.1000
N730 G1  Z-0.1610 
N735  X2.4440  Y0.7320   
N740 G1  Z0.2000
N745  X2.9200  Y1.3686
N750  Z0.1000
N755 G1  Z-0.1280 
N760  X2.9200  Y1.7686   
N765  X3.1700  Y1.7686   
N770  X3.1700  Y2.5020   
N775  X0.2500  Y2.5020   
N780  X0.2500  Y1.7686   
N785  X2.0357  Y1.7686   
N790  X2.0357  Y1.5271   
N795  X2.2560  Y1.3068   
N800  X2.6928  Y1.3068   
N805  X2.6928  Y0.6745   
N810  X2.9218  Y0.6745   
N815  X2.9218  Y0.8146   
N820  X3.5424  Y0.8146   
N825  X3.5424  Y1.3686   
N830  X2.9200  Y1.3686   
N835 G1  Z-0.0280
N840 G1  Z-0.2500 
N845  X2.9200  Y1.7686   
N850  X3.1700  Y1.7686   
N855  X3.1700  Y2.5020   
N860  X0.2500  Y2.5020   
N865  X0.2500  Y1.7686   
N870  X2.0357  Y1.7686   
N875  X2.0357  Y1.5271   
N880  X2.2560  Y1.3068   
N885  X2.6928  Y1.3068   
N890  X2.6928  Y0.6745   
N895  X2.9218  Y0.6745   
N900  X2.9218  Y0.8146   
N905  X3.5424  Y0.8146   
N910  X3.5424  Y1.3686   
N915  X2.9200  Y1.3686   
N920 G1  Z0.2000
N925  X2.8845  Y0.3372
N930 Z-0.2500 
N940 G1 z0.200
N945  X5.2857  Y0.9820
N950  Z-0.1610
N955 G1  X3.5424  Y0.9820   
N960 G1  Z0.2000
N965  X5.2857  Y1.0820
N970  Z0.1000
N975 G1  Z-0.1610 
N980  X3.5424  Y1.0820   
N985 G1  Z0.2000
N990  X5.2857  Y1.1795
N995  Z0.1000
N1000 G1  Z-0.1610 
N1005  X3.5424  Y1.1795   
N1010 G1  Z0.2000
N1015  X4.0134  Y0.7257
N1020  Z0.1000
N1025 G1  Z-0.1280 
N1030  X4.0134  Y1.4258   
N1035  X4.4509  Y1.4258   
N1040  X4.4509  Y0.7257   
N1045  X4.0134  Y0.7257   
N1050 G1  Z-0.0280
N1055 G1  Z-0.2500 
N1060  X4.0134  Y1.4258   
N1065  X4.4509  Y1.4258   
N1070  X4.4509  Y0.7257   
N1075  X4.0134  Y0.7257   
N1080 G1  Z0.2000
N1085  X4.0093  Y2.3889
N1090  Z0.1000
N1095 G1  Z-0.1700 
N1100 G2  X4.2929  Y1.8230  I0.2836  J-0.2119
N1105  X4.0093  Y2.3889  I-0.0000  J0.3540
N1115 G1 X3.9292  Y2.4487
N1130 G2  X4.2929  Y1.7230  I0.3637  J-0.2717
N1135  X3.9292  Y2.4487  I-0.0000  J0.4540
N1145 G1 X3.8491  Y2.5085
N1160 G2  X4.2929  Y1.6230  I0.4438  J-0.3315
N1165  X3.8491  Y2.5085  I-0.0000  J0.5540
N1175 G1 X3.7690  Y2.5684
N1190 G2  X4.2929  Y1.5230  I0.5240  J-0.3914
N1195  X3.7690  Y2.5684  I-0.0000  J0.6540
N1205 G1 X3.6888  Y2.6282
N1220 G2  X4.2929  Y1.4230  I0.6041  J-0.4512
N1225  X3.6888  Y2.6282  I-0.0000  J0.7540
N1235 G1 X3.1700  Y2.6854
N1250  X3.7361  Y2.6854   
N1260  X3.7379  Y2.6874
N1275  X3.4415  Y2.5904   
N1285  X4.7116  Y2.8041
N1300  X4.5538  Y3.0596   
N1305  X3.4104  Y2.6854   
N1315  X4.6815  Y2.8528
N1330 G2  X3.6606  Y2.5854  I-0.3715  J-0.6644
N1335 G1  X3.1700  Y2.5854   
N1345  X3.1700  Y2.7120
N1360  X3.1700  Y2.5095   
N1370  X3.1700  Y2.5120
N1385  X2.4448  Y2.5120   
N1395  X3.1700  Y2.6120
N1410  X2.4448  Y2.6120   
N1415 G1  Z0.2000
N1420  X4.5849  Y2.9646
N1425  Z0.1000
N1430 G1  Z-0.1700 
N1435  X4.4388  Y2.9168   
N1445  X4.5418  Y2.8887
N1460  X4.4687  Y3.0071   
N1465 G1  Z0.2000
N1470  X2.4448  Y2.7120
N1475  Z0.1000
N1480 G1  Z-0.1700 
N1485  X3.1700  Y2.7120   
N1490  X3.8838  Y2.9456   
N1495  X4.5976  Y3.1792   
N1500  X4.9755  Y2.5669   
N1505 G1  Z0.2000
N1510  X4.0894  Y2.3290
N1515  Z0.1000
N1520 G1  Z-0.1280 
N1525 G2  X4.2929  Y1.9230  I0.2035  J-0.1520
N1530  X4.0894  Y2.3290  I-0.0000  J0.2540
N1535 G1  Z-0.0280
N1540 G1  Z-0.2500 
N1545 G2  X4.2929  Y1.9230  I0.2035  J-0.1520
N1550  X4.0894  Y2.3290  I-0.0000  J0.2540
N1555 G1  Z0.2000
N1560  X2.8845  Y3.0370
N1565 Z-0.2500 
N1575 G1 z0.200
N1580  X6.4284  Y2.9769
N1585  Z-0.1600
N1590 G1  X6.4284  Y2.8674   
N1595  X6.2334  Y2.8674   
N1600  X6.2334  Y3.0280   
N1610  X6.3334  Y2.8674
N1620 G1  Z-0.1600 
N1625  X6.3334  Y3.0280   
N1630 G1  Z0.2000
N1635  X6.3084  Y2.2382
N1640  Z0.1000
N1645 G1  Z-0.0810 
N1650  X6.3084  Y3.0088   
N1660  X6.3534  Y2.2508
N1675  X6.3534  Y2.9970   
N1680 G1  Z0.2000
N1685  X6.6759  Y2.6131
G1  Z-0.2500 
G1 Z0.200
N1695 X5.7908  Y2.3338
G1  Z-0.2500 
G1 Z0.200
N1700 X5.0536  Y1.4325
G1  Z-0.2500 
G1 Z0.200
N1715  X5.2857  Y0.4729
N1720  Z-0.1260
N1725 G1  X4.9782  Y0.4729   
N1730  X4.9782  Y0.6079   
N1735  X5.2857  Y0.6079   
N1740 G1  Z0.2000
N1745  X5.2857  Y0.5404
N1750  Z0.1000
N1755 G1  Z-0.1260 
N1760  X4.9782  Y0.5404   
N1765 G1  Z0.2000
N1770  X5.0536  Y0.2702
N1775 Z-0.2500 
N1785 G1 z0.200
N1790  X5.2857  Y0.0145
N1795  Z-0.1280
N1800 G1  X5.2857  Y1.7614   
N1805 G2  X5.4681  Y2.0021  I0.2500  J-0.0000
N1810 G1  X7.2148  Y2.4928   
N1815 G3  X7.2123  Y2.7341  I-0.0338  J0.1203
N1820  X1.6402  Y3.2580  I-3.8490  J-11.0443
N1825 G2  X1.4123  Y3.2874  I-0.0684  J0.3687
N1830 G3  X0.2012  Y3.7026  I-2.4999  J-5.3171
N1835  X0.0000  Y3.5400  I-0.0282  J-0.1710
N1840 G1  X0.0000  Y0.0000   
N1845  X5.2857  Y0.0000   
N1850  X5.2857  Y0.0145   
N1855 G1  Z-0.0280
N1860 G1  Z-0.2500 
N1865  X5.2857  Y1.7614   
N1870 G2  X5.4681  Y2.0021  I0.2500  J-0.0000
N1875 G1  X7.2148  Y2.4928   
N1880 G3  X7.2123  Y2.7341  I-0.0338  J0.1203
N1885  X1.6402  Y3.2580  I-3.8490  J-11.0443
N1890 G2  X1.4123  Y3.2874  I-0.0684  J0.3687
N1895 G3  X0.2012  Y3.7026  I-2.4999  J-5.3171
N1900  X0.0000  Y3.5400  I-0.0282  J-0.1710
N1905 G1  X0.0000  Y0.0000   
N1910  X5.2857  Y0.0000   
N1915  X5.2857  Y0.0145   
N1920 G1  Z0.2000
N1925 M5 M9
N1930 X0.0 Y0.0
N1935 G40 G80

Re: Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 07:55:07 AM »
Graham-  I should also point out the differences increase the further the cutter gets from the start point.  On our parts we are cutting a 1.25 circle.  There is a left and a right part. On the left part the center of the circle is cut about about 4" from the start point. This circle is approx .125 short of hwere it should be.  On the right side part the center of the circle is about .75" from the start.  That circle is about .075 of where it should be.  Depending on where I set the mic Both circles measure 1.25-1.26
Thanks, Paul

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2009, 09:25:42 AM »
Hi Paul,

Are you using the same PC for both the Mill and Router operation ?.

Re: Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2009, 01:47:24 PM »
Hi Tweakie-  Two different computers plus two different versions of Mach 3

Re: Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2009, 02:33:36 PM »
In motor tuning, what is your steps per set at?
Re: Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2009, 02:51:09 PM »
Steps per are set at 509.3108387
My driver is set at 1/8, steppers are 200 rev
All axis have 16 pitch 1" gear
I divided 1600 by 3.1415 to set the steps on the router
I have checked this with a dial indicator (1/2" and 1" moves) and it was right on

Offline Graham Waterworth

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Re: Still can not get part to cut same from mill and router
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2009, 04:42:56 PM »
Try setting your steps to 509.090909 and try again.

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