I use two different deivces, namely two MPG's and also the XBOX360. Each satisfies a particular need
for what i am doing. The XBOX360, which has a plugin for MACH, is realy nice to use, as you can move two axis at any rate and creep up on a spot and also just hit another button to go from slow to fast jogging along with other
functions. Must also mention you can use it along with video. Maybe you can borrow one and try it out.
Point is, that all works and setup would be painless.
The two MPG's ( two encoders ), can be setup for two defined axes are also handy as they can be used together to move both axes or seperately. I use them for very precise positioning of the tool to stock on the lathe. Cost was about $10 to do.
Most all the devies use an encoder of sort ( even a cheap mouse has one in it ). I look for high count encoders on anything and will buy "junk" and use the encoders. Spend a buck and save 50 to a hundred, little work and presto, two functional MPG's for pennies on the dollar.
You may be able to get the space pilot to work, but painless hookup seems to overide other choices and guide myselfon what i have chosen to do.
Just wanted to mention other options.