Hi Benny:
I was a bit brief wasnt I?
This was my test of th enew 3dProbing plugin. Its included in the latest versions. To use it, just turn it on in config/plugins, then restart. A new menu item "3d probing" will appear.
When you select it, you must have zeroed at the front left of your surface, doesnt matter where Z is, but it shoudl be 0 or less. Set a width and length of the surface, and a depth
for maximum probe stroke. The clearance shoudl be 1/5 of full probe deflection horizontally or less. .1mm is used above, this is th epullout distance on a collision. The point cloud above was made in
6 hours and comprises 65000 points or so. The completed point cloud was 95000 in 8 hours.
This is reported now to be up to 10 times faster than the old methods of probing in MAch3, thats a huge increase. Very easy to run, very nice poitn cloud output. Im kinda pleased..