Hi all,
Some progress at last !!
Orac had been dead for about 9 months since I bought it, but recently with a bit of concentrated effort Im making progress....
1) Control Panel built
2) Frame / bench fitted with a 6mm steel top
3) Orac fitted with a new Z motor
4) The spindle motor was repositioned from behind the chuck to a more orthodox loaction of behind the headstock.
5) PC loaded with a clean install of Mach
Rapids are 2,000mm per min which is fast enough for a little machine.
Some work still to do with the position of the keyboard / monitor...this will be mounted at the tailstock end.
I'll fit coolant (main reason for moving tye spindle motor) and use the space under the maching vacated by the old controls for a small tank and pump
AND - get the tool changer working. There is some good info on the forum which will get me started.
I run a quick test, cutting a half sphere on the end of a 25mm dia ali bar - great to see it working at last.
Here is a photo of Orac >
http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/2382/img6143.jpgand a photo of the controls >