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Author Topic: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.  (Read 14958 times)

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mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« on: July 27, 2009, 09:02:22 PM »

thats a link to the card i'm using to power my machine, i hope. 

However, when attempting to test (via the diagnostics) this card, i get zero responses from actions on it.  IE - i try to /trip/ the Estop and no statuses change anywhere on my diagnostics screen.

At this point, i'm at a loss.  I'd love nothing more than to use mach 3 and when i see it work, buy it to do some more intricate routings. 

I need help getting the software set up.  just so you know:

i'm using xp pro.  1.8 ghz machine with 1.5 gigs of mem.  on (mother)board parralel port, turned on in bois and set to 0x375 (or 2... i'm on a different computer and away from the shop :)   i can never remember between 5s and 2s.  oi.)
I installed mach, and rebooted.  i ran driver test and the test was good.  i rebooted, i ran mach loader, made my own profile, ran the program, and populated the ports/pins config w// the information as found in the doc included w/ this controller.

someone help?  please?
Re: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2009, 10:36:23 PM »
to expand on this:

i tested pin 10, that being the boards Estop pin.  with the cable plugged in, and the estop *untripped* the pin reads .10 v.  i close the estop switch, and voltage drops to 0. However, none of my status lights in mach 3 change w/ this, nor does the estop light, well, light up.

Offline Hood

  •  25,835 25,835
  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 06:23:14 AM »
0.1v is far too low, it needs to be over 2.5 but in reality more.
Remove the cable from the port and put your meter direct to the port. Connect between the X axis Dir pin and the connectors shell and then jog the X one way then the next and see if what happens to the voltage, should swap between 0v and 5v depending on direction you jog.
Re: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 10:28:27 PM »

... and if i don't get a signal?  what does that tell me?
Re: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2009, 11:42:19 PM »

ok.  so i have step x on pin 2, dir x on pin 3.  when i arrow key in diagnostics, 3 pin goes 5v to the right, 0 to the left.  (actually, 0.07).

However, when i hook up my cable, the 13 pin is the one that shows that 'hot' then 'cold' behavior.

DOH.  looks like the cable is completely wrong.  gah.  Thoughts on rewiring the cable so pins line up from one end of the cable to the other? :)
Re: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2009, 11:04:12 AM »

ok.  so i have step x on pin 2, dir x on pin 3.  when i arrow key in diagnostics, 3 pin goes 5v to the right, 0 to the left.  (actually, 0.07).

However, when i hook up my cable, the 13 pin is the one that shows that 'hot' then 'cold' behavior.

DOH.  looks like the cable is completely wrong.  gah.  Thoughts on rewiring the cable so pins line up from one end of the cable to the other? :)

That cable is completely wrong.   It's a crossover cable intended for connecting parallel ports on two PCs together (LapLink-style) to do file transfers.  What you need is a 25-pin straight-through extender cable.

Ray L.
Ray L.
Re: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2009, 06:19:37 PM »
i'm having a hell of a time finding one.  can i re-wire than one to do the job?  i went and got the db25 ends (male).  i got two, just in case.

Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2009, 06:26:50 PM »
Yes as long as you can solder reasonably proficiently then its an easy task, just make sure you get the pins correct on either end.
Re: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2009, 11:18:12 PM »
good news, x axis motor is turning one way then the next

however, y and z are non-responsive.

i think it has to do with these pin settings (which i can't find representation of in mach 3)

8 Out Enable Y (low*)
9 Out Enable Z (low*)
14 Out Enable X (low*)

low refering to active low.

Pin in Parallel Port In/Out Signal
2 Out Step X
3 Out Dir X
4 Out Step Y
5 Out Dir Y
6 Out Step Z
7 Out Dir Z
8 Out Enable Y (low*)
9 Out Enable Z (low*)
14 Out Enable X (low*)
10 In Emergence Stop (low*)
11 In Limit X (low*)
12 In Limit Y (low*)
13 In Limit Z (low*)
1,15,16,17 Not Utilized
18-25 GND

this is the entire list of assignments.  currently, y and z won't step, and limit z doesn't appear to be responsive.

Emergency stop, limit x and limit y both respond in mach 3 when i trip the switches for each.


Offline Hood

  •  25,835 25,835
  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: mach 3 set up w/ a 3 AXIS CNC DRIVER BOARD problems.
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2009, 02:29:36 AM »
Check with an ohm meter that the cable is pin for pin and also that no pin shorts  to another.