I noticed another problem...
If i turn on the spindle, the signal for it turns on (blinkin). Also if i turn on the flood-cooling.
But the signals in the pendant-screen (TAB-key) that stand for axis-selection (Y, Y, Z, etc) or the cont/Inc-signal don't work.
They do if i click them by mouse, but not by the shuttle-click.
And in the german screen from Christoph-selig (einfach-cnc.de) the signal for the jog-rate doesn't work, too, which is the most important error for me.
He uses 4 signals with the data written in front of it, Art has some kind of text-field that changes the numbers of the feed.
So when i press the "Cycle Jog Inc"-Button the numbers (of feed) change ona Art's screen, but the signals of Selig's german-screen don't.
So, what can i do to make this work?
Is there any way how i can "copy" the feed-text-field from arts screen to Selig's screen?
I hope someone can understand this, it's early in the morning and my english didn't get up yet