I had an issue recently using an mpg to drill a hole when doing this i had what could only be described as an un-commanded toolchange mid drill which led to an estop and brown trousers, anyone heard of this ?
I have been trying to run some code but do not understand an un-commanded move after the tool change, below is the code.
Between the tool change and the M03 line the X axis runs towards the centreline the Z stays still, does that seem to be right ?
Then both axis move to the commanded positions on line N180
Now if i stop the program, rewind and run again the X axis will move to a different position ?
All the above was stepping through one line at a time.
OK now i let the program run completely at the end the axis move to the commanded positions BUT THEN THE TOOL CO ORDINATES CHANGE TO TOOL ONE BUT TOOL 05 IS STILL IN THE TOOL DRO. Is that correct behaviour ?
I have tried using my desktop as i am running this on a laptop with SS with the same results
I have the same issue with ver 3.042.029 as with 3.042.023 i have tried changing persistent tools unticked restarting Mach same problem.
Yet another issue is homing, i am using optical sensors and it works perfectly but occasionally it appears that the motors have retuned themselves as it doesn't back of the same distance restarting Mach will cure the problem.
I have completely lost confidence in the machine.
I have attached my XML if someone could help
N90 G96 G94 G90 G80 G64 G54 G50 G49 G40 G21 G18 G00
N130 M06
N140 T0505
N150 G97 S500
N160 G95 F1.5
N170 M03
N180 G00 Z50. X60.
N190 Z1.
N200 X12.
N210 X9.8
N220 G32 Z-20. F1.5
N230 G00 X12.
N720 Z1.
N730 X60.
N740 Z50.
N750 G50
N760 M5
N770 M9
N790 M30