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Author Topic: How Do I Change MPG Jog Velocity  (Read 23142 times)

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Re: How Do I Change MPG Jog Velocity
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2009, 11:01:10 PM »
The pendant is connected to port 2 of the smoothstepper via CNC4PC's C22 interface card.
Re: How Do I Change MPG Jog Velocity
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2009, 09:22:18 AM »
I checked the config settings and the boxes were allready checked, so I went to Ports and Pins and found the velocity was set at 260 so I set it to 400 and did a recalibrate that did the trick for getting the speed back, but now I am not able to jog in normal mode via keyboard (and touchscreen), the jog off/on switch in Mach appears to work only while holding down the enable button on the pendant which I never had to do before. Any thoughts on this?
Also does your MPG pendant allow an axis to go in a runaway mode if you are jogging in Velocity mode and release the enable button while turning the MPG wheel, the only way to stop the axis when this happens is to cycle the enable button or hit e-stop. Arturo claims there is a bug in Mach causing the runaway mode.

Apparently you must have the step switch on the pendent set to X1000 or an axis will run away. That switch is accidentally moved when I'm attempting to change an axis to jog and must catch the machine with a reset or hold the enable button on the pendent to stop the runaway. I have also mentioned this to Arturo. The step function must be set on the flyout to work the pendent correctly. There are issues with this pendent. I have been around many times with these problems, changed pendents and changed the C22 board but these problems exist. The brains, I believe, are the problem. This computer will freeze on boot-up if the pendent is plugged in to the second parallel port as well.

Bill C.
Re: How Do I Change MPG Jog Velocity
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2009, 08:47:31 AM »
I must add that in spite of the problems with this MPG2 pendent, I use it most all of the time. Although, when setting to very exacting points, I still use the flyout and the keyboard...

Bill C.