Is your problem that Mach3 won't load
Mach3 always loads. Mach3 never crashes, the computer never crashes. The machine simply doesn't move when told to move on many occasions until the magic kicks in, then it will work for a long time if you are lucky. The machine will never run twice ina row.
Typical example:
1. Turn on the machine, doesn't jog
2. Turn off machine, turn it on again, test for jog, 10-20 tries, no jog
3. Finally maybe it jogs for a split second, then stops
4. Turn off machine again, turn on machine, test for jog, 5 more times
6. finally machine may run, or run for splir second
When the machine finally "connects" and will jog, you can usually do a part
7. Turn off machine, return at any later to do another part
8. Machine doesn't jog, power off/on machine 5 to 20 times till it jogs
In all, we are talking about 200 power off/on per day, every day.
Output 16 port 1 pin 16 X
Output 17 port 1 pin 17 Check act low
If these are not as above, nothing will work, ever.
If enable port 1 pin 16 is checked, whether act low of not, no difference
If enable port 1 pin 17 is checked, whether act low of not, no difference
Any combination of act low or high on these enables makes no difference
Currently all startup items are off
In services:
Plug n play, just a few essetials and thats it