How do i set these uo to run with my motors, any help will be greatly appreciated!
My steppers say on the back 1.8 degrees / step, so i worked it out to be 200 steps fer full rev.
But i have no idea how to set them up with the screws. As far as i can tell i have to times 200 X something and then devide it by something else
the screw has a lead of 5mm, so does this meen that every turn it moves 5mm?
Also i dont know if my drivers are set to any kind of microsttep, how can i find this out?
And another quick Q', if i push the axis of my machine it moves about 1mm on the shaft, does this meen that there is no anti backlash nuts in place. It dosn't cause any problems i just wanted to know.
Cheers to all