What would cause a negative spindle speed vs a positive?
Did so many tests that i don't recall exactly,but i am thinking you have the threading plug-in enabled.
If the plug in is enabled the rpm is not true since it's then pc based, so as Hood said it realy screws things up.
You need to have the Use Spindle Feedback in Sync Modes checked as that controls how the feed rate will be adjusted during the actual threading (ie. it will slow down or increase the feed based on the TRUE rpm). Otherwise all the controls built into the threading cycle are not not being utilized ( sort of like taking the plane out of auto pilot and your flying in a storm and can't see )!
Which leads me to ask or say,
Are you making note of the calculated feedrate to specified rpm for the thread in the wizard?
At 150mm/ min ( approx 6 in/min) your max rpm would be around 100 rpm for say 20 tpi. If your running 500 rpm instead of the 100
then the program adjusts the feed rate down / not up as it can't so the first cut may be all right but the next would be trashed.
And you should not run at you max feedrate since your are loosing torque and may run into other problems.
I would suggest that the configuration be correct ( so post your XML ), that you check the index, then check the rpm, then do a scribe test, then do some testing of threading to see how "your" lathe system works at different cut depths.
Post your XML as Hood has asked and we can start from there.