I had Art send me the source code for the Brains IDE, a loooonnngg while back, I was going to try and fix its interface issues........ but, it is beyond my meger ability!! it is almost completely non-documented, and Art will freely tell you it is torturous logic and programming. I am here to tell you he is NOT kidding......
I have only been programming in C++/MFC for about 2-3 years now, and that really mostly for plugins. I have done some minor apps in C++/MFC, but, I like and use C# much better for Apps!!
I would highly recommend you contact Art, and ask him for the source code, it is his, and I will not send my copy to you since it is his IP (and now Brians), unless Art/Brian specifically ask me to.
Guys like: Klaus, and Ed Bryson are the kinda guys who are at the level of skill needed to tackle something like this as well. Art has been a programmer for 30+ something years, and he can whip out stuff like this, withoug thinking to much about it..........
If you want, read the "Brians Users Guide", I wrote and put in the "Members Docs" Thread, download it, I list MOST of the "Issues" (undocumented features), of Brians and some of the work arounds I have found for it. Shortly after Art completed Brians he left Mach3 and turned it all over to Brian. Since that time, it has remained unchanged, until such time as Brian gets all the other stuff he wants to fix in M3 done........ Brians and Modbus are on the FAR back burner until that time.
So, the best workaround I have found to get around the above, if Brains and VB won't do it for you, Write your self a plugin!!!! They are FAR more stable and fast!!! Yes, the learning curve SUCKS it is worse than when I learned Flash programming, far worse. But, I suspect YOU are a programmer, so it should be nothing for you to pick up.