Hood, thank you for your feed back. From your comments, it does sound hardware related. Both of the computers have on board graphics. I'm trying to understand, is there is a graph pattern that's associated to a device. Both of these computers are very basic, nothing fancy. The test patterns are so different, one would think that the pattern could be nailed down to device or at least a group of devices. Is that group typically the graphics.
I'm trying to plan my next plan of attack. It's a new machine and I don't mind spending a few hundred dollars to put together a mini computer that would fit inside the machine cabnet. I don't want to spend the money and still have something that doesn't work. Any ideas?
rcaffin, Sorry about the one screen shot (picture). When I installed XP Pro in standard mode it disabled my USB devices. I could do a screen shot, but there is no way to get the file from one computer to another. Taking I have so much time in this now, I wasn't going to mess with trying to install drivers to export a screen shot.
Thank you both for the feed back.