Back on topic, I am starting to use my new computer and I found some interesting behavior that I want to contribute to the kernel speed discussion. On my new setup, I can run 100K kernel thru the first BOB, but not thru the second. I have not seen this mentined before in speed discussions and it really did not occur to me until today when I was trying to run the 100K stream thru the second BOB to the 4th axis.
In this case the drive has a 4 place LED that can display (among other stuff) the pulse frequency coming into the drive. On the X axis testing (BOB number one) it was showing the 100k steady. Now I have it on the 4th axis on BOB number2 and it is shows unstable anything over 60k.
Bottom line is that the computer, which is always suspect number one, is not necessarily always the culprit. The BOB has to be able to pass the stream thru it's optos and other circuits at that speed as well. Seems obvious now, but it never occurred to me before.