Hi again, had a good go through of my equipment and the Astrosyn P402 drivers have opto isolated input signals so if I am correct (which I am not sure of!!) the 5V input into pulse, direction etc. from the printer port to each driver will activate the relays built into the driver boards and allow the motors to run from the 24v dc supply shown in the schematic below. Just wondering if anybody has ever used similar equipment and was this the layout of the equipment if so?
Also will need to integrate 4 limit/home switches and an E-stop into the system. Is it a case of just wiring them to one of the input pins, e.g. pin 10, and using mach3 to determine if the systems runs or not in the lo/high position? Perhaps somebody would be kind enough to add to the schematic if they know how they will be integrated into the electrics (afraid not very experienced at all in this department!). What I want to do is position 2 limits on each axis, X++, X-- and Y++ and Y-- and use one of each as the home origin then, along with an emergency stop in the case of misuse. I am working at a learning institute after all!!!