I have my small router up and running with a new computer. My problem is that whenever I run something ( 5 minute program) and return the machine to zero, the gantry has moved about .003 " to the positive in x. The larger the program, the more this shows up. I intended the router to cut lithophanes, so you can see that a 6 hour program will probably add up to a great difference. The odd thing is that it always moves towards positive x.
I have played with different setting, and the best scenario is Sherline1/2 pulse at 25,000 kernel speed with 1/32 microstepping. Lowering the microstepping, raising the kernel speed, or using the standard pulse setting greatly exacerbates the problem (anywhere from 2-5 times the distance). My machine is using Keling 4030 drivers and 36v supply with Keling 495oz Nema 23 steppers. I guess it seems strange to me that it is never off the negative way.....it always misses steps in one direction?
I'm not using shielded wire for the steppers.
My look ahead lines are set at 200, and my feed rate is at 50 with a rapid of 250. My drive ratio is 1.19 inches per turn and steps per inch are 5368....velocity is 250 with acceleration of 20. Changing acceleration doesnt change a thing......I went way slower and way faster. My cv setting is 1.
Any Ideas?