Dan, just take a look at a tatoo drawer, it´s exactly where i took my idea, and afterwards I took of the spring and used magnets. there is a coil(electric) on one end, and is sided by two powerfull neodimium magnets, this gives the movement, in the oher side , before the diamond tip i had a spring, now i have 4 smaller neodimium magnets, that always repels themselves.I pluged the coil in a stepper driver , shutting both a+ and B+ in one side and both a- and b- in the other wire , i shuted (jumped) both dir and step inputs on the s' or digital trigger from the board to the step driver , this will be the same as a laser ttl+ and ttl-.
In the compiling make the signal be more than 90 ms , or you won´t have impact, but a noise.