Hello All
I installed Mach3 on my laptop following the video, which seems to be out of date?
The Mach3 files are now in the directory - C:/Program Files and not in any particular folder.
I've run into problems and want to uninstall but haven't been able to find the process.
My plans are to run DraftSight for the CAD work, Ace Converter or LazyCam and Mach3 as a work-flow.
I'd like to be able to use my laptop for all of the prep work then use a dedicated PC to run my homemade CNC router.
Right now, I would really like to delete all of the Mach3 files from my laptop and get it running again.
Then reinstall the Mach3 program. I'm not quite sure if I'm supposed to install the drivers (on the laptop laptop) or not?
There seems to be conflicting info on the videos?
Can anyone help?
Does anyone have suggestions or comments re my work-flow?
I am an apple user and really despise the Windows operating system.