i bought the 2010 screen set yesterday... i have it all installed and im still getting used to where everything is located.. im loving the look and feel, but first thing i need help with is, after touching off the touch plate, instead of rising 1mm and retouching the plate, the z axis rises almost to the top of my z, and then slowly descends about 50mm, (doesnt touch the plate again) then moves to the fixed plate position and starts the fixed plate probing... i spent a few hours trying to figure out the problem, but i must be missing something, im pretty new to cnc, mach.. but i am competent enough have built the cnc and wiring.. so i must have a setting wrong somewheer
my units are in mm
z axis has about 100mm travel
Z- is toward table Z+ is up to homing switch
touch off block is 20mm (on top of table top, just untill i have it working)
probe works and signal shows active when the plate is touched
ive watched the set up videos at least 10 times
and read the instruction pdf cover to cove 3 times
any help would be amazing, thanks in advance