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Author Topic: Spindle speed not changing until overide button pressed  (Read 18589 times)

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Offline BR549

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Re: Spindle speed not changing until overide button pressed
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2011, 07:35:36 PM »
IF you ran the 1024 screen and it did the same thing that would eliminate anything screen related and tends to point to an automated process still running.

Just a thought, (;-) TP

Offline tmead

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Re: Spindle speed not changing until overide button pressed
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2011, 05:43:48 AM »
Sorry for the delay - new job means this has taken a back seat fro a while.

I took a good look last night, and still have no idea ! I disabled the macropump and loaded the unmodified 1024 screenset, the reaction was still the same - any spindle S words were accepted, the DRO was updated, but the physical spindle speed did not change until a spindle speed override button was pressed.   >:(

i gave up ! :'(

The xml and other bits/pieces were copied out, and a complete uninstall/reinstall of mach completed, using the same version (3.042.025). It works now !  ;D

So, as I said - I'm no further forward in fault diagnosis, but the symptoms are fixed, using the same macropump, same gcode, same bitmaps and same screenset. There must have been a setting in there somewhere that i'd accidentaly changed.   ???

Anyway - thanks for all the people that thought about this, and offered suggestions.

Re: Spindle speed not changing until overide button pressed
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2011, 08:47:04 AM »
Sounds like the same problem others have reported, yet unresolved.      http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,9314.0.html

I am having the same problem myself now on a new lathe build.  No cure/fix in sight.   This one has been around and I found reports back to 2007

ALSO..... try issuing a duplicate S*********x command, that will also cause the speed to go to the correct commanded value.   Its only the FIRST M3 S********* command that intreprets wrong.  All subsequent speed commands execute properly!!

Another data point worth noting :   So far, EVERY report of this I have seen has been with a PWM controlled spindle.   Step/Dir controlled spindles have not had the issue.   Is yours PWM controlled?  (bet it is ! )
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 08:55:29 AM by Sparky_NY »

Offline thosj

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Re: Spindle speed not changing until overide button pressed
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2011, 05:30:34 PM »
I have no problem seeing this. It's been there for months, at least. Initially there was some mention of the bug, but it's died a peaceful, unfixed, death. There's a doc out on the web someplace penned by Chris Humphris, dated July of 2010, on how to setup a PWM spindle and that's where I first saw this mentioned.  Top of page three, big as life for all to read, and it has it exactly as stated here and everywhere else.


I've given up on it getting fixed and just live with it, but mine only changes by 4/5%!! Life is too short and EMC2 is too big a PITA/learning curve to switch!!! But I always consider it when this stuff comes up and goes unfixed. But.............just wait for Mach v4, by George.

Re: Spindle speed not changing until overide button pressed
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2011, 06:02:24 PM »
Hang in there Tom !     I got Brians attention on this and he is looking at it right now.    I am betting a fix will be out very fast.

Offline tmead

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Re: Spindle speed not changing until overide button pressed
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2011, 07:11:11 AM »
Thanks for all the comments !

The machine runs with a step/direction spindle, so is perhaps a little different to the PWM issue ?

The key feature that we've seen is that the spindle will only run at the previous speed when an M3 S ********* is issued, although the DRO will show the requested speed. There is no change until a spindle speed override is pressed, then it picks up the new speed as shown on the DRO. I have not tried running a VB script that issues an S word, pauses and then issues the relevant DoOEMButton........ that might have been a work-around !

However, a complete removal and re-install of mach3 fixed the issue. (remembering to grab a copy of the xml, macros, bitmaps, and gcode directories first  ;)  )

Re: Spindle speed not changing until overide button pressed
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2011, 03:28:59 PM »

Offline thosj

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Re: Spindle speed not changing until overide button pressed
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2011, 06:45:07 PM »
Seems good here, too! Two fixes for me in one day.

My 8 speed BP now has 4 pulleys that run in reverse as they should, and speed comes up at the speed it should be and stays there.

Great, thank Brian!!
