Ok so you will need to set them up as two seperate axis and have your code command them, for example if you wanted one motor (call it X) rotate for a certain distance and have the other (call it Y) rotate the same distance at the same time your code would look something like this
G1 X 100 Y 100 F100
What that would do is make each axis work in sync and start and stop at the same tiime (presuming both started at zero)
For your next part you would just command the one axis to move, so say something like
G1 X 200 F100
Then if you wanted to again command both to move again it would be
G1 X300 Y200 F100.
Is that the kind of thing you are wanting?
BTW the F word is the Velocity in units per min, so if set in Imperial it would be 100 inch per min, if Metric it would be 100mm/min