basically, your set up the manufacture burns up an entire register for just one On/Off bit. Instead of bit packing that register, and that is ok.
What your going to end up having to do, is look at the Local var addresses of each config, that correspond with that command or other funciton. and get that group,
and AND them to read their state. To Set commands, is going to be a different issue at least in Brains. Depending on the status you read, you will need to set Local Vars as your congtorl vars, and then depending on their states and mach3's state (i.e. M3/4, M5 spindle %dro etc.), you will need to set individual output rungs to your control coils going back out to your VFD. It is going to be a Stone-Cold PIA to do what you want via Brains........ it can be done, but your sanity may be in question when/if you get it done........
In this case, I would do a combo Brains/VB (run the VB in the macropump). Since all your spindle stuff is Bits, (except stuff like rpm and load and a few others), I would read/write to User LEDs, and User Dros, and do ALL your complex interlocking logic in VB, then I would just have Brains look at the ULEDs and UDROs and map that into or outof the modbus addresses. Not a real elegant solution, but MUCH easier to do.......... You will have to do some kind of Brains/VBmacropump to handle all the stuff your brining in, making decision on, and sending out. NOTE: If you just want the most basic spindle control, then you DON'T need all that stuff you listed!!! All that stuff is really only useful if your going to do a "High End" interface with complex controls and diagnostics.