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Author Topic: M11/10 and E1p1/0 problems pls help  (Read 9943 times)

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M11/10 and E1p1/0 problems pls help
« on: April 25, 2011, 05:24:57 AM »
Hello everyone,
 I purchased a Chinese laser that was missing the control. So having lots of experience with my router and Mills I decided to use Mach 3 as the control software. From mania nights of reading any information I could about controlling a C02 laser using mach the consensus is using M11/10. I set up the laser and wiring based off several examples I found which was using output pin nine polling to ground. I configured my post-processor in sheetcam to utilize m11/10 vs m3/5 everything works great when it works the laser seems to work with G00 and G01 with no problems but when there is a G02 move it only works half of the time? and usually will only work halfway through the file and start working towards the end. Out of frustration I tried the E1P1/0  commands which actually will work the exact opposite it worked flawless in the beginning but near the end of the file would just quit the moves would still happen however the output for the laser would stop. From the diagnostic screen mock itself stops outputting or controlling output one. Thinking this might be a computer or parallel port problem I've tried different kernel speeds from 25k to 75k  with no change I then switched the output from negative side switching to high side switching this had no effect and the fact the diagnostic screen shows the output stopping midway through the file and the majority of the problems being with G02 moves I think there's something I'm just not setting up right in mach. has anyone had these problems or insight I'm at my wits end with trying to use mach for laser, I absolutely love it for my mill and lathe but definitely seems to have some issues with trying to use it for a laser.


Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: M11/10 and E1p1/0 problems pls help
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 07:03:53 AM »
Hi Chris,

The problem resides within Mach3 itself.
The M10/M11 and E1P1/E1P0 command sets used to work just fine but subsequent revisions of Mach have screwed up the way certain VB routines operate and because few people use these commands fixing the problem is just not a priority.
The best 'work around' is to use an axis direction signal where, for example, -Z turns the laser on and +Z turns it off. To avoid conflict within a standard GCode program I have chosen to use the B axis and edit my code accordingly but it is a matter of choice as to which is best.

This thread relates http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,15217.0.html

Hope this helps.

Re: M11/10 and E1p1/0 problems pls help
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 01:18:08 PM »

That's an interesting suggestion using the direction polls to turn the laser on and off so does mock hold the last direction state? I.e. if it's commanded down -z which will pull the signal to ground that will remain to ground until it's pulled high+z? Also in that post it looks like you added M5 to the end of e1p0 them said this seemed to work you do ever expand on this? Would you add m5 to both E1P0 and E1P1? I have no problem buying a control card of some kind if this will remedy the problem such as a smooth stepper etc. however I read that M10/11 commands only work under parallel port control? I'm thinking about just ditching mock and going with some sort of DSP control however they seem to be starting right around 500 bucks.


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Re: M11/10 and E1p1/0 problems pls help
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2011, 01:51:22 AM »
Hi Chris,

Yes, all the direction signals hold their state until told to change.
Regarding the M5 addition, although this worked there was an increase in the turn off delay compared with using the E1P0 on it's own.
I already have SS but I can see no advantage here as the control is still derived from the GCode.

As Terry was saying Mach has developed, over the years and revisions, into a lot more than it was originally designed for and we must bear in mind that it was never really designed to control a laser in the first place. This means that, like everything else in life, compromises have to be made and although Mach is not perfect I think I have demonstrated that it can be used to make some reasonable quality stuff.

I think that all others, before me, have now moved on to DSP or similar but I wonder if it is all plain sailing.  :) 

Re: M11/10 and E1p1/0 problems pls help
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2011, 12:16:46 PM »
The direction pin worked flawlessly!!! after fighting with this for days I can't believe it was that simple. As far as generating  G. code I simply went into my postprocessor and replaced in the text field any M3 commands with (g00 Z0.1\n) and a negative z for spindle off there is no perceivable delay on or off. Thank you so much for your help.. and fortunately I do have one other question, the laser/impact plug-in I cannot seem to get to operate in ports and pins I set up the trigger however when I were on the plug-in nothing happens and I have not been able to locate any documentation on this plug-in as far as setting it up properly is the trigger supposed to be sleeved to an output or can I just assign the port and pin for the trigger? In the plug-in set up has a checkbox for a 40ur herder pulps is this supposed to be checked or unchecked I tried both and have been unable to get it to fire the laser? at this moment in grieving isn't my largest concern now that cutting is working I've got enough projects on the table to keep me busy for a bit but eventually I need to get it operational.

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Re: M11/10 and E1p1/0 problems pls help
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2011, 12:32:35 PM »
Hi Chris,

I don't think there is any documentation on the plugin (perhaps we should write something  ;D )
40uS should be checked.
Digital trigger in ports and pins should be set for the port and pin which is connected to your laser trigger and active high/low selected accordingly (this pin must not be enabled anywhere else in the setup).
That should do it.
