Hi everyone.
I'm a new member, just bought TB6560 Driver and 3 Nema 17 steppers on e-bay for my first CNC.
Construction is nearly done, but I wanted to test the electronic.
I connected the driver to PC and started Mach3 mill.
I've configured it like the manual says (the one I got with the driver)
I've loaded roadrunner.tap G-code and started it.
The motors started turning, and everything looked fine.
I took about 6 minutes to complete.
But there's a problem. The motors heat up really bad.
They are cold when they work, but when they stop they get hot pretty quickly.
In those 6 minutes they were cold, but when the program ended they heated up
in like 5 minutes so hot I couldn't touch them for more than half a second.
I use 24V 10A power supply but I've set voltage to 9V (checked with multimeter)
On the motors it says 11V
Motors are 17PM-K301-11V
They have 6 leads but I've connected 4 (4 connectors on the board for each axes)
I've connected leads like this
1 - A+
2 -
3 - A-
4 - B+
5 -
6 - B-
So 2 and 5 are not connected to anything.
All leads are colored gray, but I've checked short circuit with multimeter on A+ and A-
then B+ and B- to be sure they are of the same coil and they are.
How can I fix this?
I don't think a machine should work with motors so heated up.