I am trying to get my homebuilt 24X36 Aluminum CNC to run without losing steps but I can't seem to get a handle on it. I am using Keling drivers KL-9082 (
http://www.kelinginc.net/KL-9082.pdf) with keling NEMA 34 1200 oz-in Steppper Motors, 72V power supply, PMDX126 BOB and a smoothstepper.
I can get my motors tuned to run great when I am jogging, however when I try and run a 2 1/2 D file the motors stall at different times. If run a program that does the carving along the x axis and the steps over in Y lots of stalling, if I have the program run on a 45 degree angle where both X and Y are both turning it runs 100% better.
When I look at all of the different setting for the micro stepping I don't know what is the best one. What would give me the best reliable performance. I am trying to get my max cutting speed to be around 100 IPM my motors jog at 300 IPM no problem. Am I just expecting to much? I have been working on this for a year now and still can't get the performance that I want. I have tried so many different settings I am lost.
I have attached a photo of the router if that helps.
Thanks for any help