Hi Guys
I did a test with the following result
IDE pin 1 = DB25 Pin 1
IDE pin2 = DB25 Pin 14
So the cable shown on the attachment must use a specific db25 to get the pin no's correct, whereas the cable made up by the shop just uses a basic db25.
So all I need to do is workout the equivalent pin no's on the db 25 and reconfigure mach 3 accordingly.
Well, I have certainly learnt allot from this saga. I am keen to try LTP1 as it's giving out 5v as opposed to the 3v on the PCI parallel port. I am hoping it will also solve my problem with the Gecko g540 charge pump though I am not sure that the voltage will make a difference, be nice to get it working with the charge pump enabled though.
Thanks again for all your interest and help guys. On what I now know I will see if I can get LPT1 working correctly with Mach 3.