Hey Guys,
New problem with my new machine. This one is much worse then a few missing steps
Load Gcode and start to run file. Things go smoothly and within a few hundred lines of code the motors seem to "unlock" and head off in all sorts of directions and motors make a sort of high pitched whining sound (reminds me of stripped gears). I have let them go for a few seconds to see what they will do next and they tend to lock back up and start to follow code again.
A few details
1. Code is still streaming while this happens
2. I can home machine with now issuses and can jog machine. While jogging the same issue has happened once.
3. I can run super short files with no issues. I attached a file that I can run through with no issues.
The strangest part is that it was working well all day and all of a sudden, with no changes to anything, it started acting up.
Is a PC issue. Do I need to reinstall mach. Computer fan does seem to run alot but always has. It is an older aspire running XP. I installed Mach on the H drive since C was reserved for linux. Could this be an issue
Any help is greatly appreciated. i am getting further and further behind.