I have to admit I've only ever isolation routed a couple of boards and I didn't like the results. Mostly because the Z axis on my machine (CNC modified mill/drill) is not very accurate because of the slop in the rack and gearing. I'll have to modify that even for my machining efforts.
My main reason for asking is that I follow a forum on homebrew PCB making and there is someone working on some software to pre-probe the whole board and modify the G-code with a post processor before milling. He's having some some success. But, after reading about THC it seemed that Mach was already equipped to do on-the-fly height adjustment - something that PCB group may not have been aware of. So I thought I'd investigate it more for my own interest mostly but also on their behalf.
Now I realize it may not be up to the task. I suppose in plasma cutting several thou or more of height error makes very little difference whereas even a thou or two can mess up a PCB route.
I'll go by the experience of others here and now think about something else but any other suggestions would be welcome.
I did make a machined flat surface plate for my machine to put the PC board on but I found the double sided tape in itself added error or did not necessarily pull the board down flat enough to the surface. A vacuum table might be better but I prefer to do the toner transfer method anyway so I haven't persued it. I have no problems with the toner transfer method.