I'm new to this cnc world and don't really understand the wiring in the 0 touch plate. I've read tons of threads here and youtube also. my table and electronics are up and running and i have marked the x and y out with a pencil for now. i did a couple test cuts of just a letter cutout. then as i was going to load a g-code of a carving i realized hey, how will my finishing toolpath bit know where the Z-0 is. so i found the treads about the z touch plate and that's how i got here.
my question is, if you hook up a wire to a pin on the lpt1 port, how do you do it if i use that port to connect to the controller? do any of you know if there's a picture of one around here or how it's done?
do i need another port omn my pc or just not understanding what people are talking about? again, thanks fo putting up with my lame thread.