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Author Topic: NFS Turn Wizard  (Read 485821 times)

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Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #180 on: October 11, 2014, 01:40:52 PM »
Hi Everyone
I'm new to cnc and have just found the NFSTURN which looks great. I have downloaded version 008 which I think is the latest version. It says in the video link that it can be used in demo mode. I'm trying it out but as in the video at the bottom of the screen it is not showing the options for DO IT or ADD to FILE.

Is this because its in demo mode?

Where do I actually buy NFS TURN as again in the video it say it comes with mach3 addons but mach3 addons doesn't seem to mention NFS TURN?
Do I need a licensed version of Mach3 to run NFS Turn?

Really appreciate any help.

Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #181 on: October 11, 2014, 02:04:47 PM »
The button missing at the bottom of the screen is a screen size problem. Use the normal windows method of enlarging the window, check that the enlarge window box is checked on the mach3 config->setting menu, then restart mach. The window should re-open big enough for the buttons. This has nothing to do with demo mode.

There is only one Mach Addons product, which gives you a license for the mill addons, NFSturn and a couple other wizards. The web page is not clear about all that is part of the Addons package. In demo mode NFSturn runs, but it will not save a file. Mach3 will run in demo mode, but there are  limits to the size of program and some turn features, I think threading, does not work.
Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #182 on: October 12, 2014, 07:32:50 AM »
Hi Ron
Thanks for prompt reply. Sorted now and looking forward to giving it a try.

Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #183 on: October 13, 2014, 02:55:21 PM »
Hi Guys
Can anyone please tell me why when deleting the last operation from NFS TURN it not only deletes the last operation but deletes the entire file and I have to start over again. Is it a bug in my download or because I am running the trial version??? Would appreciate some please!

Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #184 on: October 13, 2014, 03:58:54 PM »
It has been a long time since I did that wizard, so I don't recall much now. I am sure I didn't let it go with an error like this, but I guess its possible. I will try to check it out later today.
Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #185 on: October 14, 2014, 04:30:03 AM »
Cheers Ron really appreciate it.

Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #186 on: October 16, 2014, 07:26:49 PM »
Ok, I have looked at the wizard, and you are right, it is deleting the whole file. I know it did not do that when I wrote it several years ago. That code uses the special 'Teach' file that was built for the wizards, and I suspect something has happened to that function in one of the later mach3 releases. I doubt I can get Brian to look at that now. The code is doing the correct thing, or at least making the correct calls to mach3.

I am afraid the only answer I can give now is 'dont do that' I understand that is not a very satisfactory answer.

You can always edit the file with a text editor. The file is saved as C:\Mach3\Gcode\New Program.tap The file does have good comments in it to identify the various sections of code.
Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #187 on: October 17, 2014, 12:16:26 PM »
I  too had problems when I loaded NFSTurn (10/5/14) but after a clean install of mach3 W/addons, an uncorrupted Machlic.dat, and Wizlic.dat  (most of my problem) I was finally up and running. Now, I have the wizard addon licence, the problem I had was when I clicked "run" in nfswizard , the G-code wouldn't post, nor the tool path. Instead I had to manually select the file, "New Program.tap". The file dose append but would not post untill selected.I hope this maybe helpful. I allso am  new to cnc but I have a wife who has a ton of programing experience and she can get to the hard coding and play. I am purely a Hobby CNC machinist and will  not illegally modify or sell any hacks, but maybe look at your file dir. for any errors. I had a few files that were duplicated moved and .dll links broken. In the end I can tell you everything does work, if installed "Files named properly I.E. capps where they belong,"properly it all works.
Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #188 on: October 25, 2014, 04:57:39 PM »
Hi i just purchased nfs turn wizard if i want to use the turn part i do all steps and all things are fine i would like to know how can i rotate my part on the screen and view it in 3d shadow? also would like to know when i finish the cycle i need my tool to return home but further from the part so i can change tools i dont have any limit switch please help
Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« Reply #189 on: October 26, 2014, 08:05:46 AM »
You have the usual Mach3 toolpath options- click and drag the mouse to move, scroll bar zooms, and I dont remember the rest,  I never use them. But look in the mach3 docs.

As teh last step of your program add a toolchange operation. That has settings for the safe location. If you dont have limit switches then the locations will be only as accurate as you set them when Mach started up.