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Author Topic: USB MACH3 Pendant  (Read 9274 times)

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Offline Helicopterjohn

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USB MACH3 Pendant
« on: November 09, 2011, 06:26:21 AM »

I am currently using an XBOX360 controller for my pendant but recently saw a You Tube review and associated E-Bay Listing and wondered if anyone else has used one.  I would be interested in any feedback either positive or negative.

Thanks in advance for your valued input.


Mach3 USB Pendant


E-Bay Listing

Shopbot PRT 48 X 96  Gekco 203V drives, PMDX-126 Multi-Mode Breakout Board, PMDX-107 Isolated Speed Control, (2) Ea. PMDX-133 3-axis Daisy-Chainable Motherboard for Gekco 203V's, PMDX-2PARPCi Dual Parallel Port Card, Super PID Speed Controller, 2010 Screen Set, Solid State Relays for dust/coolant.

Offline Hood

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Re: USB MACH3 Pendant
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2011, 06:33:53 AM »
There was a post recently about that pendant and the guy couldnt get it to work but someone else put up a link to a video showing it being tested and the guy in the vid rated it.

Offline Helicopterjohn

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Re: USB MACH3 Pendant
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 06:57:50 AM »
Hi Hood,

Thanks for the input.

I saw that post but wondered if anyone else had any good or bad experiences with it.

The video and associated picture were from "cncnutz" here on the forum.

It looked like a nice setup and even had a little hook on the top for hanging it up when not in use.  The replaceable coiled i.e. telephone cord was a nice touch.  At only $39.00 I will probably give it a try and let you guys know how it works for me in my application with the 2010 Screen Set.

Shopbot PRT 48 X 96  Gekco 203V drives, PMDX-126 Multi-Mode Breakout Board, PMDX-107 Isolated Speed Control, (2) Ea. PMDX-133 3-axis Daisy-Chainable Motherboard for Gekco 203V's, PMDX-2PARPCi Dual Parallel Port Card, Super PID Speed Controller, 2010 Screen Set, Solid State Relays for dust/coolant.
Re: USB MACH3 Pendant
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 08:06:04 PM »
I just ordered one also, what the heck I have wasted a lot more than $39 in this and my other hobbies!

I am currently using a gamepad and not thrilled with it.

Offline Ody

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Re: USB MACH3 Pendant
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2011, 12:36:59 PM »
I ordered one of those along with several others from Joe's Hybrid website. I suppose 5 is a small sampling but the failure rate was about 50%. Mine had a defective '+X' button and the lights lit up one time.  Mine will be on the way back to HKG tomorrow.

Re: USB MACH3 Pendant
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2011, 07:57:16 PM »
I just ordered one also, what the heck I have wasted a lot more than $39 in this and my other hobbies!

I am currently using a gamepad and not thrilled with it.

Wow, I just checked on this and they say to expect delivery in early December.  Super slow shipping!