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Author Topic: Emulated Inputs with Pokeys  (Read 8751 times)

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Emulated Inputs with Pokeys
« on: November 11, 2011, 07:30:46 PM »

Got pokeys working with a 5 by 7 keyboard
Using some emulated keystrokes with OEM triggers
Set up pokeys to produce a oem triggered input (same character on up and down key)
When I build a brain the triggered input goes active and stays there, it never goes inactive
From the Mach manual it states that on the down-key message the input goes active then on the up-key message the input goes inactive

Seem to be missing the up-key message

Any suggestions?
Or is the another method to get the Pokey keys strokes in Brains


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Re: Emulated Inputs with Pokeys
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2011, 04:08:13 AM »
Use the PoKeys as digital inputs rather than emulated keys.