HIYA Fred, Put an % in after the M30. Mach requires an empty line after the last word in the file. The % is used a lot to make it visible.
n1 g 20 (input in inches)
n2 g40 (cancel cutter compensation)
n3 g49 ( cancel tool length compensation)
n4 g80 (cancel canned cycle)
n5 g90 ( use absolute dimension input )
n6 g94 ( feed will be per minute)( imperial and standard modes)
n7 g00 x0.3 z0.05 (rapid to x=.3 and z=.05 just off the outer edge of size required)
n8 f4 (set feed to 4 inches per minute)
n9 S1000 M0 (set revs to 1000 rpm and stop the program)
n10 G01 X0.28 (feed at feedrate to position x=.28)
n11 G01 Z-1.2 (feed at feedrate to 1.2 inches before 0 of the z axis)(FIRST CUT)
n12 G00 X 0.3 (fast feed out to x=.3)
n13 G00 z0.05 (fast feed to z=0.05)(starting position of z axis on next cut)
n14 G01 X0.26 (feedrate to x=.26) (starting position of x axis on the second cut)
n15 G01 Z-1.2 (feed at feedrate to z= -1.2 )(SECOND CUT)
n16 G00 X0.3 (rapid feed to x=.3)
n17 G00 Z0.05 (rapid fees to z=0.05)(starting position of zaxis on next cut)
n18 M30 (REWINd)
Just a thought, (;-) TP