Sorry cant help with the plugin as I have never used it as I believe you can not access via VB when using it, could be wrong though
I only ever learn enough to do what I want to do so I dont know a huge amount about ModBus, you may have gathered that
I think if using the Non Plugin serial interface then you would have similar to mine above, your output start register would be 896 (dec for 1600 oct) and if you have the bitpacked option chosen like I do the for each set of 16 outs you would only need to look at one register. Ok so if you set up as mentioned then I think you should be able to set the output by calling SetModOutput(0,1) or (1,1) or (2,1) or (1,0) etc.
Maybe I am still not grasping what you are asking though, very likely
Peter Homann would be the guy to ask for the plugin interface if you wanted to use that.