Hi Everyone,
I have just finished retrofitting my multicam router (big sucker 70"x140") rack and pinion.
Obviously at that size it's dual drive. It has prox switches on both drives to square the gantry when homing. I have everything hooked up via my C32 and my ethernet smooth stepper.
I have my A Axis slaved to X and I have the the direction pin active hi on the A axis and low on everything else. I have the homes set as negative and all the axis normal (ie not reversed). All motors are wired the same. Everything jogs great and the Z and Y axis home just fine BUT.... The XA / XB is a mess.
Here's what happens. Whatever axis hits first does its little bounce off the home switch just fine, the other axis (usually the A) might jump around a little, might not do anything, but it will not move off the axis and the home sensor will remain active on that axis.
If I look at the prox switch locations they are inconsistent, the second switch which hits will always be more "over" the dog where as the first axis will move off the dog so that they are not inline.
What's going on??? I need to get my machine back up and running so I'm desperate.