The position of my torch proximity switch determines whether the THC-Up or THC-Down signal is high. In testing my system, I have a switch to signal THC-On and cutting starts after meeting the conditions: a) reach M3 in my code and b) THC-On switch turned on.
I am still unable to to use the the THC-Up and THC-Down signals to control the Z-axis. What is the protocol for using the THC-Up and THC-Down signals? I initially set the Z-axis value to a number somewhere between THC max and THC min. After turning on the Torch-On switch and cutting starts, and after I place metal near
the proximity switch, the THC-Up and THC-down signals switch state but there is no output from Mach3 to my z-axis. The THC button is green.
Thanks for any assistance in figuring out what I am missing here.