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Author Topic: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion  (Read 156448 times)

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Offline Dan13

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #100 on: July 23, 2012, 04:27:39 AM »
That's an interesting controller. I was not aware of it. Will be interesting to see how it works for you. Found the introductory thread for this controller and your last question is back from May and was not addressed, which makes me wonder if they still work on it and all issues have been sorted.


Offline Hood

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #101 on: July 23, 2012, 05:31:56 AM »
We have talked via email since then and  I am fairly confident the threading can be sorted.  It works reasonably well as is, just the pullout delay means you will end up with a groove at the end of the thread which is not the best. The encoder modules are due to be on sale this week so I decided to get one. They also have a more basic controller but sadly it seems there will not be any threading in it which is a shame.
Heres a few more vids from the guy in Poland that seems to be their tester for the lathe.



Offline Dan13

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #102 on: February 24, 2013, 06:59:40 AM »
The lathe has been running for quite some time now. Sorry for not updating with a proper video, been short on time as always  :(

I have been experiencing troubles with the ESS though. It keeps running out of data and no matter what I do it keeps doing this. Reduced the controller frequency to as low as 250Hz and it's at least usable, but absolutely frustrating with the delay on Feedhold, FRO and SRO. Anyway, seeking for a solution and for a correct way to do the wiring, decided to use a separate 5V supply for the ESS, to get proper isolation from the PC. What I had is a single PC PSU for all the logic - both 5V and 12V. However, unfortunately, I have discovered something weird with the  Ultra 3000 - it appears that its Common (ECOM) for Step/Dir input is grounded to the body and hence to the ground of my machine.

Is it really so (Hood?) ? How do I separate then the 5V logic from the rest?


Offline Hood

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #103 on: February 24, 2013, 08:19:39 AM »
Dont think you can Dan, have you tried an older plugin?
 I had issues with the one you sent for quad spindle and newer ones were even worse so I have not updated it for a long time.
I am still using 10a plugin and dont have running out of data  issues but as said did get them with newer ones.

Offline Dan13

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #104 on: February 24, 2013, 08:27:25 AM »
Hi Hood,

That's a shame with the grounding then :(

Currently using the latest one which supposedly fixes this issue. Haven't tried older plugins. Could you please email me the one that works for you? What controller frequency do you have with it?


Offline Hood

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #105 on: February 24, 2013, 08:37:26 AM »
I have the frequency at 2KHz. Te attached plugin does not have quad spindle so you may not be able to use it.

Offline Dan13

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #106 on: February 24, 2013, 08:48:43 AM »
Thanks Hood. Swapped the Ultra 5000 for a 3000, so using Step/Dir now ;)


Offline Hood

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #107 on: February 24, 2013, 09:01:09 AM »
Let us know if it helps, certainly never had an issue with the step/dir reference being grounded.
What version of Mach are you using? If 066/067 I would junk it right away as it has issues, mostly in Turn but have also found a few in Mill, maybe I should re-mention it to Brian now there are issues with mill as well as he may do something about it ;)

Offline Dan13

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #108 on: February 24, 2013, 01:55:23 PM »
I have heard that the latest couple of versions had bugs. Don't remember though what version I have on this lathe. Was just at the machine, but forgot to check. will check tomorrow.

I soldered in an optocoupler on the Step/Dir line between the ESS and the Ultra 3000 and another one for the Index going back to ESS. These are the only two lines sharing same ground with the ESS. Thus I was able to use a separate power supply for the ESS. The immediate result I noticed is that moving the Servo power connector had absolutely no effect. Before that, when I moved the connector up/down the GND pin would disengage and the axes (steppers) start moving at a steady feed. I think it comes to show that now I have the wiring done properly with good isolation and it will save me more possible headaches in the future. Besides, I did suspect it was losing a step every now and then, but couldn't confirm this. Hopefully this got solved with this move as well.

haven't yet fully tested and run a program. Replaced two double channel optos, but on both the second channel didn't work so the direction line was not working. have some more spares, so hopefully will find a owrking one tomorrow. Also, was not able to get the Index line through the opto. Will use a scope tomorrow to check this too.


Offline Dan13

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Re: 9x20 Chinese Lathe Conversion
« Reply #109 on: February 25, 2013, 12:47:31 PM »
Got  the direction line working today. Turns out I was connecting the second channel of the opto with wrong polarity ;D Now it works fine. Don't know if it's my imagination but I think the steppers got a smoother mid-band sound with this isolation.

Also partially got the index signal sorted. I am getting it through the opto and it works fine. But I am using the unbuffered output from the Ultra 3000. Now I wanted to use the buffered one so that I can divide the counts inside the drive (hopefully it divides the index too), since I have a 2:1 reduction. However there is some strange problem with the buffered Index line - it outputs exactly 8Khz signal at all times - even when the motor is still. A and B buffered outputs are fine, it's just the Index that does this weirdness. Looks like a bad drive, though it is a new one. Will probably have to use an external opto-sensor for the Index :(
