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Author Topic: Gecko GREX G100 Motion Controller GeckoDrive LAN / USB  (Read 24659 times)

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Offline Haik

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Gecko GREX G100 Motion Controller GeckoDrive LAN / USB
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:40:31 AM »
For sale on Ebay at http://www.ebay.com/itm/260989490032

Item includes all available documents (manuals, programming guides, etc.), drivers, Mach3 plugins, and firmware.

The G100 is a 6-axis motion controller. It uses USB or Ethernet communication with a host PC to execute motion control and I/O commands. The axis outputs use a Step/Direction interface to motor drives. Each axis has an associated quadrature encoder input. The G100 also has 22 general purpose inputs, 16 general purpose outputs, 4 analog to digital inputs and 4 digital to analog outputs. Each digital input and output has an LED indicator.

The G100 uses an FPGA to generate axis step pulse timing and an 8-bit microcomputer to calculate motion control flow. Communication with the G100 is via text string commands and replies. All axis can run independently or in coordination with other axis. Coordinated axis motion is vector based. The associated axis accelerate, run and decelerate simultaneously while maintaining exact speed ratios.

The G100 uses a unique method of motion control. The FPGA produces step pulse frequencies proportional to 16-bit word. This results 32,767 CW and 32,767 CCW evenly spaced step-pulse frequencies per range. The commanded frequency can only be changed at fixed rate of 1,024 times per second. The same crystal oscillator time base generates step pulse frequencies and the update rate. The axis position is a running sum of the issued velocities.

The 1,024 updates per second also apply to all inputs and outputs. Inputs, including analog are sampled at that rate and all outputs, including analog are updated at that rate.


8 step-pulse frequency ranges. 65,535 CW and CCW speeds per range. Maximum step-pulse frequency is 4.194304 MHz. Maximum step-pulse jitter is 125 ns. Step and direction outputs are 5V logic, +/-24 mA current drive per output. Step-pulse indicator LED is activity driven; it is lit when output is pulsing.
6 quadrature encoder inputs including index channel. Maximum encoder count rate is 1 MHz. Encoder inputs are filtered and have indicator LEDs on each input.
16 general-purpose outputs. The outputs are rated at 100mA, 24VDC maximum per output. The outputs are suitable for driving DC relay coils. Each output has an indicator LED which lights when an output is “on”.
22 general-purpose inputs. The inputs can be activated by SPST switches to ground, by open-collector sensors or by 5V logic levels. The inputs are filtered and protected to +/- 50VDC. Each input has an indicator LED that lights when an input is grounded.
4 Digital to analog outputs. Each output is a 0 to 5V (0 to 10V optional) op-amp output and 8-bit resolution.
4 Analog to digital inputs. Each input takes a 0 to 5V (0 to 10V optional) input voltage range. The resolution is 8-bit and the input impedance is 2.2K.
The G100 requires a 12VDC to 24VDC power supply rated at 1.5A. It supplies an internally regulated 5VDC to the terminal block outputs.
The G100 has both a USB and an Ethernet interface.
The G100 has a 2.5” by 7.375” mounting area footprint and is 1.5” high ( 63.5mm by 187mm by 38mm). The weight is 10 ounces (284 gm). The enclosure is black anodized aluminum. The G100 has 96 bare-wire type terminal block locations. The terminal blocks have a 3.5mm pitch.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 01:17:33 AM by Tweakie.CNC »
Re: Gecko GREX G100 Motion Controller GeckoDrive LAN / USB
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2017, 12:03:21 AM »
Is this still available

Offline Haik

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Re: Gecko GREX G100 Motion Controller GeckoDrive LAN / USB
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2017, 12:22:52 AM »
Nope! ...and that's a good thing (for me, anyhow). I poured all kinds of time, effort, and cash into trying to make it work. About a year after that Maris Freimanis at Geckodrive exclaimed the product was a failure. I finally sold it for $40.  :'(
Re: Gecko GREX G100 Motion Controller GeckoDrive LAN / USB
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2017, 12:46:51 AM »