The toolpath vire will fefault to take in everything so for example if your part starts a X0Y0 and its max extent is x10y10 and your current tool position is X0Y0 the toolpath will default to the full screen. If however your tool is currently sitting at say x-10y-10 then that will be taken into account and you will see a smaller sized toolpath. If you then jogged your axis so it was near the start position then pressed Regen you would get the full sized view.
You can also zoom in on toolpaths if you want, to do that you can press shift key then click and hold left button of mouse in the toolpath window and then move the mouse. If you have a wheel on the mouse you can do the zooming by clicking in the toolpath window and scrolling the wheel. If you want to rotate the toolpath you can left click and hold and move the mouse. If you want to Pan you hold right mouse button and move mouse. If you want to reset to default double click left mouse button.