Well, so far so good, No broken bits or broken fingers/arms/legs.
I am now trying to set up my Spindle Motor which is a 200W Brushed Mains Motor. The Label reads ‘TM Multi-Use Heavy Duty Power Tool’ 200W Model No.99319 500 – 20,000 R/M and to all intents and purposes it looks and behaves much the same as a Sewing Machine Motor.
Poking about in the Engine Configuration | Ports and Pins Settings | Spindle Setup under the motor Control Options, I have checked the ‘Use Spindle Motor Output and set the PWM Base Freq. at 10Hz and the Minimum PWM percentage at 20%
Using the Spindle CW F5 Button on the Mach3 Dashboard I can start and Stop the Motor running at about 600R/M but I cannot control the Motor Speed i.e. increase or decrease the speed with the up/down buttons. The Green slider goes up and down, but the motor speed remains the same - What am I doing wrong???
Once again, Not a jot of information in my useless Chinglish User Manual. Not even a mention that it has a Spindle Motor.