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Author Topic: Welcome To The NC Pod Development, Discussion and Support Topic  (Read 128673 times)

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Re: Welcome To The NC Pod Development, Discussion and Support Topic
« Reply #50 on: December 24, 2010, 11:59:30 AM »
Dear Freddy,

Hope now you have your machine.
I need mach3 pin details mapped according to ncpod pins.
Machine overview,
> 3-axis (engraving for 2.5D) step pin & dir pin required for Motor Outputs
> x-y-z Homing Pins & E-Stop for Input Signals
> Spindle O/P I use O/P B in ncpod

Re: Welcome To The NC Pod Development, Discussion and Support Topic
« Reply #51 on: December 25, 2010, 03:04:24 AM »

I just checked on the PC which drive my machine :

Ouput :
For X, Y, Z :
Step  : 1 Dir port : 1

Input :
E stop : Port#1  Pin#2
As I don't put switch for end of stroke, I only specified a setup for e stop for input setup.

All parameters don't write in this answer is at 0 or enable status.

My spindle is a Kress without driving stuff from the card.

Re: Welcome To The NC Pod Development, Discussion and Support Topic
« Reply #52 on: December 26, 2010, 02:08:55 AM »
Dear freddy,

I use dc motor to drive my spindle. And i want to control (on/off) with job starting and ending so Is it possible to use output B of ncpod with TTL logic for my spindle drive circuitry?

I found by ncpodusermanual.pdf that I have to use mach pin 3 for output B of ncpod.

Also i found that all homing inputs "handled by ncpod" So my question is how can mach3 let know that any home switch actuate or not? although we are not configure any home input in ports and pins section.

Thanking you,
Re: Welcome To The NC Pod Development, Discussion and Support Topic
« Reply #53 on: December 26, 2010, 05:14:39 AM »

I don't know about the spindle.

For the home switch, I guess you must setup them on input as they are plug in with the nc pod.

Mach pins required for homing operation
« Reply #54 on: December 26, 2010, 10:59:33 AM »

I try to control spindle by output B if i succeed i will let you know.
but for home inputs which mach pins i use for below,

X Home:Port#1 Pin#__?
Y Home:Port#1 Pin#__?
Z Home:Port#1 Pin#__?


Re: Welcome To The NC Pod Development, Discussion and Support Topic
« Reply #55 on: March 15, 2012, 10:59:46 AM »
I sent an email to 2012/03/13.
However, there is not yet the answer.
Does OEMTech intend to work from now on?
Dear sirs
OEMTech Original Engineering Machine Technology

Considerable time passed after it was begun, but did you come to be able
to show objective performance yet?
I was informed of postponement of the completion many times.

Firstly I bought a little product, but most fail in update of the firm
ware with a defective article.

I purchased a little product once again afterwards.
A defective article is mixed in this and it is few, but fails in update
of the firm ware.

There are around three kinds of methods when I watch placement of the
boards well, but does update of the firm ware fail by this?
Or is it the thing by the bug by エラッタ of MC9S12UF32PUE-1L47S?

If I imagine it, as for saying that update of the firm ware is possible,
there is a boot loader, and it updates new firm ware and can update it
if the key which firm ware is accompanied by and the key of the boot
loader are correct.
Or a lock is worn in boot loader, and it is thought that I may not renew it.
(I encode it to a boot loader part and am protected?)

In addition,
In a forum of the ART "input did not work of the probe". The movement of
G31 was unpredictable and was in danger. There is a description to say と.
Is this true?

I lost my trust by this business very much.
In addition, I have suffered damage for about US $ 2,000.
(I have had the product which I cannot sell)

Do you release the official printing block of 6 axes?
And is it possible?

I design the neighboring light isolators preventing an electromagnetic
wave obstacle and wait while expecting your completion.

Then thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely,
Re: Welcome To The NC Pod Development, Discussion and Support Topic
« Reply #56 on: July 08, 2012, 09:02:58 AM »


The software of MACH3 which we know assigns a function in "potr config" with reference to PIN of LPT,

When compare it; board ncPOD ,
When the way of thinking of the allotment of PIN of LPT is thin and makes motor axis connection an example,
The motor signals such as XYZABC do not support PIN.
A code word of XYZABC is just listed in a program description.

In input of 1-6 and output of 1-6 and HOME of XYZABC, PIN is fixed.

I do not have a lot on input and the output.
Yours sincerely,