Brainstorming here,...
The cost of a tool changer is way expensive.
I cut mainly cabinet parts. I use 3 tools, a 3/8" for cutting, 8mm for dowel holes, 5mm for system holes.
Besides my main spindle that holds the 3/8" bit, I'm thinking of adding 2 smaller spindles for drilling the 8mm and 5mm holes.
My quest would now be;
- When I do a tool change, I need to select 1 of these 3 spindles and make this the only Z-axis to move.
- At the same time, besides the z-offset, I now also need the x and y offset changed, this should be calibrated once and stored.
I suppose this could be done using a custom g-code builder that "considers" these offsets. Better would be do have Mach3 store the offsets and make it happen automatically. But Mach3 only allows for z-offsets. Could a Mach3 macro cover this?
Stefan V