Here are the components of the first prototype carousel tool holder pod using the ball gripper arrangement. It works fine, but I have an idea for a simplified variation on the concept that I will try before committing to this one. It is still a ball gripper, but with a snap in / snap out mechanism that has an adjustable retention pressure. The device still has a mechanical safety interlock and therefor cannot release a tool inadvertently. Should do the same job, but be much simpler and does not need an actuator to release the tool. We shall see . . . .
The components are laid out in the photo as an 'exploded view' and they go together in the order shown. The only thing that is not visible is an o-ring groove at the bottom where the adapter is pulled up into the taper. Since there is not a separate hardened sleeve, the gripper is actually a chamber inside the body. Challenging to machine, but I was unable to get a clear photo of it.
Air cylinders, worm gear drives, raw materials, a variety of springs, special fasteners and other assorted components are arriving for the ATC project, but I am getting short on time to work on it before I have to address other priorities. I may get a new claw made, but probably that will be all for a while.
Now to try this thumbnail photo attaching again . . .