JOHN! Thank you so much for responding re my plight .
My electronics IQ is decidedly left of ZERO
to the extent that I don't even know what "specs" would imply.
I am a thorough neophyte re Forums, as well, as evidenced by my mistaken response to Member Jack Dani; although it was efficacious in that it brought a response from you, Sir.
I am pursuing an idea that may be feasible via CNC.
I need HELP desperately, but multiple attempts at the ArtSoft Website today have proven fruitless, although I did finally manage to Register only to discover, in the Help & Learning section, that PDF Download was in Chinese causing me to wonder if such Manuals and Guides, etc., are even available in English.
I did, however, find and downloaded a Mach3 Interface Manual V2.0 in English from another source which I do not recall.
I forwarded a copy of the manual to a retired Aeronautical Engineer friend, who advised that I would have issues with multiple power levels for the Breakout Interface, Drivers, and Stepper motors:
"After viewing the Mach3 Manual, you need 5 vdc for the data. It is a separate tap on the pwr. sup. It says you need 12 vdc and a 9-40 volt variable output too. This is where it starts getting difficult. Finding what you need without having to order 2 or 3 power supplies before you find the correct one."
He also advised that I read “Electronics for Dummies,” which I have downloaded to my Kindle, and through which I am presently and laboriously plowing, but haven’t struck “gold” yet.
I have acquired the components I think I need for the mini CNC Router I want to build, with the exception of the Power Supply.
All the Tech-Types with whom I’ve spoken ask about Schematics; I’ve Googled same ad absurdum to no avail.
So I have the Mach3 6 Axix Breakout Interface, Stepper Drivers, and motors, but it all ends there without the appropriate power supply.
I am a seventy-year-old Jack of numerous and sundry trades, and master of but one: music. I am determined to follow the sagacious resolution of a Head Master for whom I once taught, who vowed that ‘his last day on the planet would be his most productive,’ and as long as I have breath, I shall endeavor to do the same; hence the present quagmire.
I am so grateful that you responded, and would be profoundly and eternally indebted to you should there be any advise, or assistance that you might be willing to provide.
Thanks again, and I wish you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas, and a New Year that exceeds your wildest expectations.
Very truly,
Jim Guinn aka (gymyg)