I've recently a 4th axis on my machine... but It don't works alright .....
I make toolpad with visualmill 6.0...
first a mill then top, then rotate 90 degrees, mill the left side, rotate 90 degrees again ....etc... etc..... so i mill the 4 sides.... and this works alright....
but then I want to finish, to let the A axis to rotate, and mill the outside... but that did not go oke... the A axis keep turning, and the Z-axis don't move alright....
it seemed like the A-axis goes via wrong side to the next point .....?
somebody tell me , to turn on the "Shortest Rot"
but I can't found that?
It must be in the menu : "Config>State"
but I don;t have State by Config
so , is there somebody that Knows what can be the problem? and where i can found "Shortest Rot."?
sorry for the bad english!