Hi Jeff,
Please see xml attached. The best way to describe my limit switch connections is the gecko G540 recommendation which you will see in the G540 manual on page 8 of ten. All the limit switches are normally closed. When the limit is reached, the circuit is broken. see attached photo, (hand drawn)
The only difference is that the pin numbers are governed by my new breakout board.
The breakout board I am using is:
http://www.savebase.com/infobase/downloads/Breakout_Board_Stepper_Driver/User_Manual_5_axis_Breakout_board.pdfI had tried the exact same thing I was doing with the machine, but using the parrallel port (no SS) this morning.
What I would expect, and what does happen when using the lpt:
- you hit a limit
-mach tells you you hit a limit
-you press reset
-mach allows you to slow jog off the limit
-once off the limit mach goes into e-stop and you have to press the reset button
What I get with the SS:
-if I just press a limit switch mach says that a limit has been triggered, which is fine
- if I am moving and hit a limit (even with the motor power switched off so SS is sending signals but not physically moving the machine)
-mach tells me for a split second that the limit has tripped and then says external e-stop requested.
-when you press reset you can jog off the limit and keep going even after the limit switch has been released.
-in the SS diagnostic, the external e-stop does not show as active when the limit is tripped.
Would these phenomena be the reason I do not get the super quick jerk that takes up the backlash? when you jog off a limit in LPT, mach does not do the backlash comp jerk.
I will make a video of the above to make it even clearer.