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Author Topic: backlash program will not run  (Read 8488 times)

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Re: backlash program will not run
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2007, 07:40:19 PM »
i have tried the a new xml  suill same thing here is one of the programs im running from sheetcam maybe you guys can take a look at this and give me a shove in the right direction

Offline Graham Waterworth

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Re: backlash program will not run
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2007, 04:38:40 AM »
Your code runs fine on mine, backlash enabled and set to .05mm on X,Y and Z

Without engineers the world stops

Offline Chip

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Re: backlash program will not run
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2007, 03:15:14 PM »
Hi, John

Ran your XML, It errors for me like it dose for you.

I think I pined it down to Your Output 1 was set to Port 2 pin 1, I changed it to Port 1 Pin 1, put it back in Exact stop and enabled


The only other item i changed was your X and Y Home pins sharing pin 12 reset X to pin 11.

You need to reload your View screen also.

It works fine hear now, Try the Att. XML.

Hope this get'ssss It, Chip

Offline Chip

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Re: backlash program will not run
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2007, 08:42:21 PM »
Hi, John

Your original XML, Runs fine in New Mach3 2,040 also.

Thanks, Chip
Re: backlash program will not run
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2007, 11:25:38 AM »
i think im narrowing down my problem im having the same backlash problem on both my computers i just loaded mach on my laptop and same problem
"I only have a backlash problem where the cycle stops when i slave the  A axis "if i just run it at a normal xyz the code runs just fine with backlash enabled
I geuss ill keep messing with it. it does it with all my xmls im useing 2040 now still same issue  any suggestions would be great
i think im going to take all the versions off my compter and erase eveything  and start all over ill let ya guys know what happens

WOW SHOULD HAVE READ THE WHOLE FORUM ill check it out this after noon  Thanks so much for looking at that for me

« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 11:43:19 AM by dgalaxy »